Prototypes and Small Series made from Plastic

The requirement of prototypes and small series to be as close as possible to serial production quality has increased steadily due to products becoming  more and more individualised and development times becoming increasingly shorter. This is where the rapid-tooling procedure succeeds in creating a connection between the generative prototyping process and the serial tool. 

Contrary to the rapid prototype process, the rapid-tooling procedure will provide injection moulding parts made from original materials in a quality as close as possible as you can get to serial production.
The thus manufactured parts do not differ from the serial components made from steel and also correspond optically and mechanically to the serial parts later on.  

By using the rapid tooling process with our modular memoplast master-mould system we combine precision, flexibility and speed. 

In doing so, we follow your requirements entirely, whether you need only some prototypes for a component testing or a small series.